Dark Hair Captured 3.0

Dark Hair Captured

Vol.1 Chapter 2: When I Grow Up...

74.3K Sep 27,2019 - 11:30 AM Ryuusuke Mita

Darkhair Captured is an incredibly underrated and imaginative fantasy story about a young Earthling named Captured and his adventures in a distant universe where he isn't really wanted. When he was really young, he was tormented by the other kids, and when he came across a special ring, he acquired the power of the Spect'master which gave him great power and the ability to change his arm into a weapon. Together with his dad Manji and a willowy gal named Camel whom they met across the way, they hunt for treasure and work toward helping Manji get back to his homeland.
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Dragon Half 4.89

Dragon Half

Chapter 66 : Dragon Half Z

566.3K Jan 20,2016 - 12:53 PM Ryuusuke Mita

An RPG-ish gag manga about a half-dragon-half-human girl whose love for a popular idol/dragon-slayer leads her on a quest to find a potion that will make her fully human. Which of course leads her and her friends in a quest to defeat the terrible Demon Lord Azatodeth.
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